
The Lifer sets out to document my financial successes or failures in creating passive income streams that can continue on for life. I have been at the same "day job" for over 12 years now and although I have done well and it has supported my growing family, it has become more and more apparent that if I were to lose this job for whatever reason, I would be in a very tough situation financially; looking for an immediate replacement. I could probably find another job fairly quickly, but what if I couldn't or I was in a position where I could not go back to work? This thought experiment got me thinking more about how I could create a business or income stream that could continue on whether actively working or not. Sounds a whole lot like a 401k or savings plan, but my family will need more than that if it is before retirement. The 401k is all fine and good, but that is for long down the road and it is definitely good to have savings, but if that money is not actively working for you, then that money will quickly disappear in a job loss situation as I just described. So, I have set out to try different ways of creating passive income and/or some extra income to put towards those passive income streams. It is a long process and takes a ton of work at first, but instead of doing this work with the intention of just paying the bills, I am trying to do this extra work with the goal of putting that money to work for me in the future. I hope that this site can be one that helps others and encourages discussions and ideas to work toward a more financially sound future.

Passive Income Ideas

Today I will briefly go through some ideas I am implementing for passive income. I have already started doing these things and will be doing...